JOINclusion Collaborative Serious and Social Game

Learning while playing

Our Game

The Lite version of the JOINclusion app is now available for download on Google Play, providing educators and trainers with an accessible tool to initiate meaningful activities that foster empathy and cultural understanding. Designed to seamlessly integrate into classroom activities, the app offers a series of interactive scenarios that encourage dialogue, collaboration, and self-reflection among students.

Download the Lite version now:
JOINclusion Lite on Google Play

To support educators in making the most of JOINclusion, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale offers an online Teacher Training Course through its FMD Academy platform. This course provides a comprehensive guide on using the app effectively and integrating its activities into the classroom. Available in both English and Italian, the course is ideal for educators at all levels who are committed to creating meaningful change in their classrooms by combining technology with inclusive teaching practices.

Start your journey here:

The full version of the game is also freely available after completing the course or under request here.

Home screen

Game experience - Individual mode

Game experience - Cooperative mode

Virtual companion

Avatar creation

Authoring tool