Useful programs
This page contains a few programs about Game Theory, written
by students of Frank Thuijsman.
These programs are able to solve various types of games.
- This program,
written by Max Buegler
(2009), can be used to calculate value and optimal
strategies from matrix games as well as equilibria in
bimatrix games by means of the Lemke-Howson algorithm.
Fictitious play and regret matching are implemented as
well. The program can also be used to calculate the
Shapley value for cooperative games and, using input
form Robbert Harms,
it is also possible to examine several types of
solutions for bankruptcy problems.
- This program,
written by Robbert
Harms (2009), can be used to calculate
"contested-garment-consistent" solutions to solve
bankruptcy problems by means of the method of
communicating vessels. A short explanation of this issue
can be found in my booklets: "Spelen en Delen" (look here) and in the lecture notes
"Introduction to Game Theory" (not yet published).
Relevant original publications on this topic are the
following ones:
- B. O'Neill (1982): "a problem of rights
arbitration from the Talmud", Mathematical Social
Sciences 2, 345-371.
- R.J. Aumann, M. Maschler (1985): “game theoretic
analysis of a bankruptcy problem from the Talmud”,
Journal of Economic Theory 36, 195-213.
- M.M. Kaminski (2000): “`hydraulic’ rationing”,
Mathematical Social Sciences 40, 131-155.