- Paweł Mąka, Yusuf Can Semerci, Jan Scholtes, Gerasimos Spanakis. “Analyzing the Attention Heads for Pronoun Disambiguation in Context-aware Machine Translation Models”. The 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2025) [pre-print][code]
- Antoine Louis, Gijs van Dijck, Gerasimos Spanakis. “Know When to Fuse: Investigating Non-English Hybrid Retrieval in the Legal Domain”. The 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2025) [pre-print][code][model]
- Antoine Louis, Vageesh Kumar Saxena, Gijs van Dijck, Gerasimos Spanakis. “ColBERT-XM: A Modular Multi-Vector Representation Model for Zero-Shot Multilingual Information Retrieval”. The 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2025) [pre-print][code][model]
- Ben Hagag, Gil Gil Semo, Dor Bernsohn, Liav Harpaz, Pashootan Vaezipoor, Rohit Saha, Kyryl Truskovskyi, Gerasimos Spanakis. “LegalLens Shared Task 2024: Legal Violation Identification in Unstructured Text”. In Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2024, pages 361–370, Miami, FL, USA. Association for Computational Linguistics [pdf]
- Catalina Goanta, Giovanni de Gregorio, Gerasimos Spanakis. “Consumer Protection and Digital Vulnerability: Common and Diverging Paths.” In The New Shapes of Digital Vulnerability in European Private Law, pp. 31-52. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2024 [pdf]
- Gerasimos Spanakis. Machine Learning for Consumer Forensics (or We Need to Talk About Online Enforcement of Regulations). Journal of European Consumer and Market Law, 13(5) [pdf]
- Alexandra Masciantonio, Gerasimos Spanakis, Philippe Verduyn. “Examining Social Media Usage Characteristics Among European Citizens and Its Influence on Civic Life: A Scoping Review.” Review of Communication Research 12 (2024): 134-151. [pdf]
- Mandani Ntekouli, Gerasimos Spanakis, Lourens Waldorp, Anne Roefs. “Enhanced Boosting-based Transfer Learning for Modeling Ecological Momentary Assessment Data” (accepted at ML4ITS2024) ECMLPKDD2024
- Abderrahmane Issam, Yusuf Can Semerci, Jan Scholtes, Gerasimos Spanakis. “Fixed and Adaptive Simultaneous Machine Translation Strategies Using Adapters.” In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2024), pages 298–310, Bangkok, Thailand (ACL 2024) [pdf]
- Justus-Jonas Erker, Florian Mai, Nils Reimers, Gerasimos Spanakis, Iryna Gurevych. “Triple-Encoders: Representations That Fire Together, Wire Together”. In Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) (ACL 2024), pages 5317–5332, Bangkok, Thailand [pdf]
- Mandani Ntekouli, Gerasimos Spanakis, Lourens Waldorp, Anne Roefs. “Explaining Clustering of Ecological Momentary Assessment Data Through Temporal and Feature Attention.” In: Longo, L., Lapuschkin, S., Seifert, C. (eds) Explainable Artificial Intelligence. xAI 2024. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2154. Springer, Cham. [html,preprint]
- Rishabh Kaushal, Jacob Van De Kerkhof, Catalina Goanta, Gerasimos Spanakis, Adriana Iamnitchi. “Automated Transparency: A Legal and Empirical Analysis of the Digital Services Act Transparency Database”. In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT ’24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1121–1132 [pdf]
- Mandani Ntekouli, Gerasimos Spanakis, Lourens Waldorp, and Anne Roefs. “Exploiting Individual Graph Structures to Enhance Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) Forecasting,” 2024 IEEE 40th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW), Utrecht, Netherlands, 2024, pp. 158-166 [preprint]
- Lucas-Andrei Thil, Mirela Popa, Gerasimos Spanakis. “Navigating WebAI: Training Agents to Complete Web Tasks with Large Language Models and Reinforcement Learning”. In Proceedings of the 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ’24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 866–874 [pdf]
- Paweł Maka, Yusuf Semerci, Jan Scholtes, Gerasimos Spanakis. “Sequence Shortening for Context-Aware Machine Translation”. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2024, pages 1874–1894, St. Julian’s, Malta. [pdf]
- Antoine Louis, Gijs van Dijck, Gerasimos Spanakis. “Interpretable Long-Form Legal Question Answering with Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models.” Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(20), 22266-22275. [pdf]
- Mandani Ntekouli, Gerasimos Spanakis, Lourens Waldorp, and Anne Roefs. “Evaluating multivariate time-series clustering using simulated ecological momentary assessment data” Machine Learning with Applications, Volume 14, 2023, 100512, ISSN 2666-8270 [link]
- Mandani Ntekouli, Gerasimos Spanakis, Lourens Waldorp, and Anne Roefs. “Model-based Clustering of Individuals’ Ecological Momentary Assessment Time-series Data for Improving Forecasting Performance.” Accepted at BNAIC/BeNeLearn 2023 (full paper) [preprint]
- Catalina Goanta, Nikolaos Aletras, Ilias Chalkidis, Sofia Ranchordas, Gerasimos Spanakis. “Regulation and NLP (RegNLP): Taming Large Language Models.” In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2023), pages 8712–8724, Singapore [pdf]
- Vageesh Saxena, Benjamin Bashpole, Gijs Van Dijck, Gerasimos Spanakis. “IDTraffickers: An Authorship Attribution Dataset to link and connect Potential Human-Trafficking Operations on Text Escort Advertisements.” n Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2023), pages 8444–8464, Singapore [pdf]
- Fabio Barbero, Sander op den Camp, Kristian van Kuijk, Carlos Soto García-Delgado, Gerasimos Spanakis, Adriana Iamnitchi. “Multi-Modal Embeddings for Isolating Cross-Platform Coordinated Information Campaigns on Social Media.” Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM 2003) [preprint]
- Gianluca Vico, Gerasimos Spanakis: “Larth: Dataset and Machine Translation for Etruscan”. Proceedings of the Ancient Language Processing Workshop associated with RANLP-2023, pages 39–48, held in Varna Bulgaria, Sept 8, 2023 [pdf, dataset+code]
- Thales Bertaglia , Stefan Huber, Catalina Goanta, Gerasimos Spanakis, Adriana Iamnitchi. “Closing the Loop: Testing ChatGPT to Generate Model Explanations to Improve Human Labelling of Sponsored Content on Social Media.” (accepted at XAI Conference, 2023) [preprint]
- Justus-Jonas Erker, Stefan Schaffer, Gerasimos Spanakis. “Imagination is All You Need! Curved Contrastive Learning for Abstract Sequence Modeling Utilized on Long Short-Term Dialogue Planning.” In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023, pages 5152–5173, Toronto, Canada [pdf]
- Vageesh Saxena, Neils Rethmeier, Gijs Van Dijck, Gerasimos Spanakis. “VendorLink: An NLP approach for Identifying & Linking Vendor Migrants & Potential Aliases on Darknet Markets.” In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) ACL 2023, pages 8619–8639, Toronto, Canada [pdf][code]
- Max Fuchs, Amit Jadhav, Advaith Jaishankar, Caroline Cauffman, Gerasimos Spanakis. “What’s wrong with this product?” – Detection of product safety issues based on information consumers share online. In Nineteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2023), June 19–23, 2023, Braga, Portugal. ACM, New York, NY, USA [preprint]
- Antoine Louis, Gijs van Dijck, Gerasimos Spanakis. “Finding the Law: Enhancing Statutory Article Retrieval via Graph Neural Networks”. In Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL2023) [preprint][code]
- Mandani Ntekouli, Gerasimos Spanakis, Lourens Waldorp, Anne Roefs. “Clustering individuals based on multivariate EMA time-series data.” (accepted for publication) [preprint]
- Justus-Jonas Erker, Catalina Goanta, and Gerasimos Spanakis. “A Cancel Culture Corpus through the lens of Natural Language Processing.” In LREC 2022 Workshop Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 20-25 June 2022, p. 17. 2022 [pdf]
- Bogdan Covrig, Enrique Barrueco Mikelarena, Constanta Rosca, Catalina Goanta, Gerasimos Spanakis, Apostolis Zarras. Upside Down: Exploring the Ecosystem of Dark Web Data Markets. Proceedings of the International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (IFIP SEC), 2022 [pdf]
- Antoine Louis, Gerasimos Spanakis. A statutory article retrieval dataset in French. 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2022) [pdf][data+code]
- Mandani Ntekouli, Gerasimos Spanakis, Lourens Waldorp, and Anne Roefs. “Using Explainable Boosting Machine to Compare Idiographic and Nomothetic Approaches for Ecological Momentary Assessment Data.” In International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, pp. 199-211. Springer, Cham, 2022. [pdf]
- Catalina Goanta, Gerasimos Spanakis. The commercial unfairness of recommender systems on social media. In Artificial Intelligence and the Media. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022.
- Kolev Vladislav, Gerhard Weiss, Gerasimos Spanakis: FOREAL: RoBERTa Model for Fake News Detection based on Emotions. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence – Volume 2, ISBN 978-989-758-547-0, ISSN 2184-433X, pages 429-440, 2022 [pdf]
- Giorgia Nidia Carranza Tejada, Johannes Scholtes, Gerasimos Spanakis: An analysis of BERT negation handling in sentiment analysis. BNAIC/BENELEARN 2021 [pdf]
- Kirill Tumanov, Gerasimos Spanakis: On the Transparent Predictive Models for Ecological Momentary Assessment Data. In Explainable AI Within the Digital Transformation and Cyber Physical Systems. Springer, Cham, pp. 91-124, 2021 [pdf]
- Walter Simoncini, Gerasimos Spanakis: SeqAttack: On Adversarial Attacks for Named Entity Recognition. The 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2021, demo track) [pdf][code][demo]
- Adam Vandor, Marie van Vollenhoven, Gerhard Weiss, Gerasimos Spanakis: Can we detect harmony in artistic compositions? A machine learning approach. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021), Vol.2, pp.187-195 [pdf]
- Rodrigo Alejandro Chávez Mulsa, Gerasimos Spanakis: Evaluating Bias In Dutch Word Embeddings. 2nd Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing (GeBNLP 2020) [pdf, data]
- Thalea Schlender, Gerasimos Spanakis: ‘Thy algorithm shalt not bear false witness’: An Evaluation of Multiclass Debiasing Methods on Word Embeddings. BNAIC/BENELEARN 2020, CCIS 1398, pp. 141-156 [pdf, code]
- Marion Meyers, Gerhard Weiss, Gerasimos Spanakis: Fake News Detection on Twitter Using Propagation Structures. In 2nd Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM 2020), pp. 138-158. Leiden, Netherlands [pdf]
- Danni Liu, Gerasimos Spanakis and Jan Niehues: Low-Latency Sequence-to-Sequence Speech Recognition and Translation by Partial Hypothesis Selection. INTERSPEECH 2020 [pdf]
- Constanta Rosca, Bogdan Covrig, Catalina Goanta, Gijs van Dijck, Gerasimos Spanakis: Return of the AI: An Analysis of Legal Research on Artificial Intelligence using Topic Modeling. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Legal Language Processing (NLLP@KDD 2020). San Diego, USA [pdf, video]
- Danni Liu, Jan Niehues, Gerasimos Spanakis: Adapting End-to-End Speech Recognition for Readable Subtitles. In Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2020). Seattle, USA [pdf]
- Thales Costa Bertaglia, Catalina Goanta, Gerasimos Spanakis: Business Model Prevalence in Influencer Marketing on Instagram, IEEE Workshop on Technology and Consumer Protection (ConPro ’20) [pdf]
- Maria Trusca, Gerasimos Spanakis: Hybrid Tiled Convolutional Neural Networks (HTCNN) for Text Sentiment Classification. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence – Volume 2: ICAART, ISBN 978-989-758-395-7, pp. 506-513, Malta, 22-24 February 2020 (Best Poster Award) [pdf preprint]
- Cedric Oeldorf, Gerasimos Spanakis: LoGANv2: Conditional Style-Based Logo Generation with Generative Adversarial Networks. 18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA), Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2019, pp. 462-468 [pdf preprint, code]
- Tobias Bauer, Emre Devrim, William Lopez Jaramillo, Misha Glazunov, Balaganesh Mohan, Gerasimos Spanakis: #MeTooMaastricht: Building a Chatbot to Assist Survivors of Sexual Harassment. 4th Workshop on Data Science for Social Good (SoGood 2019), ECML-PKDD 2019,Würzburg, Germany, 16-20 September 2019 (Best Paper Award) [pdf preprint]
- Anne Roefs, Bastiaan Boh, Gerasimos Spanakis, Chantal Nederkoorn, Lotte Lemmens, Anita Jansen: Food craving in daily life: comparison of overweight and normal‐weight participants with ecological momentary assessment. J Hum Nutr Diet. 32, 765– 774, 2019 [html]
- Goanta, Catalina, Gijs van Dijck, Gerasimos Spanakis: Back to the Future: Waves of Legal Scholarship on Artificial Intelligence. Time, Law and Change. Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2019 [pdf preprint]
- Anik Jacobsen, Gerasimos Spanakis: It’s a Match! Reciprocal Recommender System for Graduating Students and Jobs, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining Conference (EDM2019), pp. 580-583 Montreal, Canada, 2-5 July 2019 [pdf]
- Matteo Maggiolo, Gerasimos Spanakis: Autoregressive Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for Univariate and Multivariate Time Series Prediction, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2019), Brugges, Belgium, 24-26 April 2019 [pdf preprint]
- Raffaele Piccini, Gerasimos Spanakis: Exploring the context of recurrent neural network based conversational agents. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence – Volume 2: ICAART, ISBN 978-989-758-350-6, ISSN 2184-433X, pp. 347-356, Prague, Czech Republic, 19-21 February 2019 [pdf preprint]
- Wouter Leeftink, Gerasimos Spanakis: Towards Controlled Transformation of Sentiment in Sentences. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence – Volume 2: ICAART, ISBN 978-989-758-350-6, ISSN 2184-433X, pp. 809-816, Prague, Czech Republic, 19-21 February 2019 [pdf preprint]
- Tobias Moers, Florian Krebs, Gerasimos Spanakis: SEMTec: Social Emotion Mining Techniques for Analysis and Prediction of Facebook Post Reactions. Agents and Artificial Intelligence. ICAART 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11352. Springer [pdf]
- Ajkel Mino, Gerasimos Spanakis: LoGAN: Generating Logos with a Generative Adversarial Neural Network Conditioned on Color. 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), Orlando, FL, 2018, pp. 965-970 [pdf preprint, code]
- Jose Velasquez Sosa, Gerasimos Spanakis: Neural Attention and Morphological Word Embedding for Contract Element Extraction. Proceedings of the BENELUX Conference on Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (BNAIC/BENELEARN 2018), ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands, 8-9 November 2018
- Dominika Woszczyk, Gerasimos Spanakis: MaaSim: A Liveability Simulation For Improving The Quality Of Life In Cities. 3rd Workshop on Data Science for Social Good (SoGood 2018), ECML-PKDD 2018, Dublin, Ireland, 10-14 September 2018 [pdf preprint]
Florian Krebs, Bruno Lubascher, Tobias Moers, Pieter Schaap, Gerasimos Spanakis: Social Emotion Mining Techniques for Facebook Posts Reaction Prediction. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018), pp. 211-220, Funchal, Portugal, 16-18 January 2018 [pdf preprint, data]
- Alexander Bartl, Gerasimos Spanakis: A retrieval-based dialogue system utilizing utterance and context embeddings. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2017), pp. 1120-1125, Cancun, Mexico, 18-21 December 2017 [pdf preprint]
- Joeri Hermans, Gerasimos Spanakis, Rico Moeckel: Accumulated Gradient Optimization. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (9th Asian Conference on Machine Learning, ACML2017), Vol. 77, pp. 439-4454, Seoul, S.Korea, 15-17 November 2017 [html]
- Tom Rolandus Hagedoorn, Gerasimos Spanakis: Massive Open Online Courses Temporal Profiling for Dropout Prediction. The 29th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2017), pp. 231-238, Boston, USA, 6-8 November 2017 [pdf preprint]
- Sankalp Prabhakar, Gerasimos Spanakis, Osmar Zaiane: Reciprocal Recommender System for Users in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Advances in Web-based Learning (ICWL 2017). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10473, pp 157–167, Springer, 2017 [pdf preprint]
- Simon Price, Wendy Hall, Graeme Earl, Thanassis Tiropanis, Ramine Tinati, Xin Wang, Eleonora Gandolfi, Jane Gatewood, Richard Boateng, David Denemark, Alexander Groflin, Brian Loader, Maxine Schmidt, Marilyn Billings, Gerasimos Spanakis, Hussein Suleman, Kelvin Tsoi, Bridgette Wessels, Jie Xu: Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Web Observatory: Applying Lessons from the Web to Transform the Research Data Ecosystem. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW 2017) Companion, pp. 1665-1667, Perth, Australia, 2017 [pdf]
- Thomas Vrancken, Daniel Tenbrock, Sebastian Reick, Dejan Bozhinovski, Gerhard Weiss , Gerasimos Spanakis: Multi-Agent Parking Place Simulation. Advances in Practical Applications of Cyber-Physical Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2017). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10349, pp 272-283, Springer, 2017 [pdf]
- Gerasimos Spanakis, Gerhard Weiss, Bastiaan Boh, Lotte Lemmens, Anne Roefs: “Machine learning techniques in eating behavior e-coaching: Balancing between generalization and personalization”. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol.21, Issue 4, pp. 645-659, Springer, 2017 [html]
- Behdad Bakhshinategh, Gerasimos Spanakis, Osmar Zaiane, Samira ElAtia: “A Course Recommender System based on Graduating Attributes”, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017), Vol.1, pp. 347-354, Porto, 21-23 April 2017 [pdf]
- Gerasimos Spanakis, Gerhard Weiss: “Enhancing Visual Clustering Using Adaptive Moving Self-Organizing Maps (AMSOM)”, Agents and Artificial Intelligence: 8th International Conference, ICAART 2016, Rome, Italy, February 24-26, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, Vol. 10162, pp. 189-211, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2017 [pdf]
- Daniel Brüggermann, Yannik Hermey, Carsten Orth, Darius Schneider, Stefan Selzer, Gerasimos Spanakis: “Towards a topic detection and tracking system with application to news items “. 2nd International Workshop on Future and Emerging Trends in Language Technologies, Machine Learning and Big Data (FETLT 2016), Seville, Spain, 30 November-2 December 2016 (accepted for publication)
- Bastiaan Boh, Anita Jansen, Ineke Clijsters, Chantal Nederkoorn, Lotte Lemmens, Gerasimos Spanakis, Anne Roefs: “Indulgent thinking? Ecological momentary assessment of overweight and healthy-weight participants’ cognitions and emotions.” Behaviour Research and Therapy, Vol. 87, pp. 196-206, 2016 [html]
- Gerasimos Spanakis, Gerhard Weiss, Anne Roefs: “Enhancing Classification of Ecological Momentary Assessment Data using Bagging and Boosting”. IEEE 28th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), San Jose, CA, pp. 388-395, 2016 [pdf]
- Daniel Brüggermann, Yannik Hermey, Carsten Orth, Darius Schneider, Stefan Selzer, Gerasimos Spanakis: “Storyline detection and tracking using Dynamic Latent Dirichlet Allocation”. Proceedings of 2nd Computing News Storylines Workshop-Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2016), pp. 9-19, Austin TX, USA, 1-5 November 2016 [pdf]
- Gerasimos Spanakis, Gerhard Weiss, Bastiaan Boh, Vincent Kerkhofs, Anne Roefs: “Utilizing longitudinal data to build decision trees for profile building and predicting eating behavior”. Procedia Computer Science – International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies (HCist 2016), Vol. 100, pp. 782-789, Porto, 5-7 October, 2016 [html]
- Gerasimos Spanakis, Gerhard Weiss, Anne Roefs: “Bagged Boosted Trees for Classification of Ecological Momentary Assessment Data”. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications – Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), Vol. 285, pp.1612-1613, IOS Press, The Hague, 29 August-2 September, 2016 [html]
- Bastiaan Boh, Lotte HJM Lemmens, Anita Jansen, Chantal Nederkoorn, Vincent Kerkhofs, Gerasimos Spanakis, Gerhard Weiss, Anne Roefs: “An Ecological Momentary Intervention for weight loss and healthy eating via smartphone and Internet: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial”. Trials, Vol.17:154, 2016 [html]
- Gerasimos Spanakis, Gerhard Weiss: “AMSOM: Adaptive Moving Self-Organizing Map for Clustering and Visualization”. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2016), Vol.2, pp. 129-161, SCITEPRESS, Rome, 24-26 February, 2016 [pdf]
- Gerasimos Spanakis, Gerhard Weiss, Bastiaan Boh, Anne Roefs: “Network analysis of Ecological Momentary Assessment data for monitoring and understanding eating behavior”. Proceedings of the International Conference for Smart Health (ICSH 2015), pp. 43-54, Springer, Phoenix AZ, USA, 17-18 November, 2015 [pdf]
- Gerasimos Spanakis, Gerhard Weiss, Bastiaan Boh, Vincent Kerkhofs, Lotte Lemmens, Anita Jansen, Anne Roefs: “Learning when you will eat unhealthy using decision trees for longitudinal data”. Poster presentation at Healthy LifeStyle Solutions Conference (HLS), Eindhoven, 16-17 November, 2015
- Christopher Wittlinger, Gerasimos Spanakis, Gerhard Weiss: “Flexible Deep Neural Network structure with application to Natural Language Processing”. Proceedings of the 27th BENELUX Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC 2015), Hasselt, 5-6 November, 2015 [pdf]
- Gerasimos Spanakis, Georgios Siolas, Andreas Stafylopatis : “DoSO: A Document Self-Organizer”. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol.39, Issue3, pp. 577-610 December 2012 (appeared online May 12th 2012) [pdf]
- Gerasimos Spanakis, Georgios Siolas, Andreas Stafylopatis : “Exploiting Wikipedia Knowledge for Conceptual Hierarchical Clustering of Documents”. The Computer Journal, Section C : Computational Intelligence, Vol.55, Issue3, pp. 299-312 March 2012 (appeared online March 15th 2011) [pdf]
- Gerasimos Spanakis, Georgios Siolas, Andreas Stafylopatis : “A Conceptual Hierarchical Clustering of documents based on Wikipedia knowledge”. Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS 2010), pp. 121-126 London, September 2010 [pdf]
- Gerasimos Spanakis, Georgios Siolas, Andreas Stafylopatis : “A hybrid web-based measure for computing semantic relatedness between words”. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2009), pp.441-448 Newark (NYC Metropolitan Aera), November 2009 [pdf]
- Christos A. Christodoulou, George Perantzakis, Gerasimos E. Spanakis, Panagiotis Karampelas : “Evaluation of lightning performance of transmission lines protected by metal oxide surge arresters using artificial intelligence techniques”. Energy Systems. Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp. 379-399 (2012)
- C.A. Christodoulou, G.E. Spanakis, V. Vita, D.I. Karvouniari, L. Ekonomou : “Locating High Voltage Transmission Lines using ELECTRE I method”. International Journal on Power System Optimization, Vol.2, No.2 pp. 57-65 (2010)