
PhD students:

  • Jessica Reynolds (2021): Evolutionary Game Theory and Optimal Control for Integrated Metastatic Management of Prostate Cancer, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Anastas Tenev (2021): Essays on the Economics of Social Networks, Maastricht University.
  • Katharina Schüller (2020): On Agent-Based Models of Sex, Plants and Sustainability, Maastricht University.
  • Péter Bayer (2019): Public Goods Games in Networks and in Tumors, Maastricht University.
  • Li You (2018): Spatial and Nonspatial Evolutionary Games and their Applications, Maastricht University.
  • Martijn Tennekes (2010): Network Formation Games, Maastricht University (thesis available on request).
  • Gijs Schoenmakers (2004): The Profit of Skills in Repeated and Stochastic Games, Maastricht University.
  • János Flesch (1998): Stochastic Games with the Average Reward, Maastricht University.
  • Reinoud Joosten (1996): Dynamics, Equilibria and Values, Maastricht University.

MSc students:

  • Barbara Futyma (2023): Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium Outbreak Analysis & Prevention in the Maastricht University Medical Center, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Olivia Kirk (2022): Examining into NLcom’s Project Succes, internship at NLcom, Maastricht.
  • Carla Wrede (2021): Intention Recovery of Controlling Strategies by Means of Inverse Reinforcement Learning, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Virginia Ardévol Martínez (2021): Modelling treatment of metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer as a Stackelberg Evolutionary Game, internship at University Hospital RWTH Aachen.
  • Francesco Gibellini (2019): Performance Analysis of Reinforcement Learned Traffic Controllers, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Indra Gesink (2019): Mathematical Modeling for Adaptive Cancer Treatment, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Carmen Zarco Lens (2018): IT Project Management, internship at NATO Communications and Information Agency.
  • Koen Turnhout (2016): Development of a Robust and Adaptive Model for Optimizing the Detection Strategies against People-Smugglers in the Mediterranean Sea, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Willem Knippenberg (2016): Planning Anti-Submarine Warfare using Partially Observable Markov Games, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Koen Turnhout (2016): Topics in Defence Planning, internship at NATO Communications and Information Agency.
  • Julia Sauer (2015): Single Vehicle Routing Problem with Deliveries and Selective Pickups, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Katharina Schüller (2014): Effect of Aging in Continuous Local Dynamics, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Katharina Schüller (2014): Developing a tool for the statistical analysis of homework results for detection of weakening students, internship at RWTH Aachen.
  • Maik Bürschgens (2014): Improving the job candidate selection for the MATSE training: A research about the correlation between the final average grade of the training and the points gained for the employment test, internship at RWTH Aachen.
  • René Wagner (2012): Integration of an eTest Module and Extension of the Mobile API for the eLearning and eTeching Portal L2P, internship at RWTH Aachen.
  • Robbert Harms (2012): Fitting and Sampling of Multi-Compartment Models to Diffusion Weighted MRI Data, thesis Maastricht University (pdf).
  • Max Bügler (2012): Modeling the Development of Obesity in Populations, thesis Maastricht University (pdf).
  • Intan Sherlin (2012): A Cooperative Game Theory Application in Blackbird Broods Food Allocation, thesis Maastricht University (pdf).
  • Bastian Küppers (2012): Requirements Engineering and Developing an IT-Services Reporting System, internship at RWTH Aachen.
  • Marius Politze (2012): Enhancement of a Web Based Student Self Service Application, internship at RWTH Aachen.
  • Lukas Kirchhart (2012): Generating Test Sets, internship at RWTH Aachen.
  • Robbert Harms (2012): Océ Service Engineers Calculation Model, internship at Océ.
  • Mandy Tak (2012): Experiments in Local Evolutionary Dynamics, thesis Maastricht University (pdf).
  • Philippe Uyttendaele (2009): Hide and Seek Games (continued), thesis Maastricht University (pdf).
  • Maarten Poeth (2009): Optimal Stopping and Secretary Problems, thesis Maastricht University (pdf).
  • Michael Kaisers (2008): Auctions and Evolutionary Games, thesis Maastricht University (pdf).
  • Xavier Gubbels (2008): Beehaviour, thesis Maastricht University (pdf).
  • Jeannine Crapels (2007): Search Strategies, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Anita van den Berg (2005): Correlated Equilibria, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Martijn Tennekes (2004): “Get Connected!”, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Petra Coenegrachts (2003): Cake Division, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Roel Berx (2002): β-Rationality, a Study on Ungreedy Equilibria, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Paul Ritzen (1998): Modelling of Call Forecasting for a Call Center, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Ranjit Bhattacharjee (1997): Equilibria in Polytope Games, thesis RWTH Aachen.
  • Marcus Neumann (1993): Sets of Equilibria in Stochastic Games, thesis RWTH Aachen.
  • Matthijs van der Neut (1989): Recursive Games, thesis Utrecht University.

BSc students:

  • Ana Godorogea (2024): Criteria Optimization in Kidney Exchange, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Nicolas Thiel (2024): Identifying Candidate Genes in Breast Cancer using Solution Concepts from Cooperative Game Theory, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Pascal Anema (2022): Examining the Role of Mutations in Evolutionary Fitness Optimization Performance, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Nina Krommedijk (2021): Graph Theory tailored for Second-Grade Pre-University Students by the Use of an Online Learning Environment, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Floor Hegge (2020): Optimizing Scheduling of Incentive Communication to Improve Workforce Scheduling in a Contact Center, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Marta Dávila Mateu (2019): Fishery Games, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Robert Clinch (2018): Risk Assessment: What Patterns do People Exhibit, and can Efficient Risk Evaluation be Taught?, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Janneke Mes (2015): Stable Matching with Unstable Preferences. thesis Maastricht University.
  • Luc Boux de Casson (2013): The Music of Games, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Esther Verhoef (2012): Lineair Programmeren, ook voor 3 VWO (Linear Programming in Secondary School), thesis in Dutch Maastricht University.
  • Cecile Wolfs (2012): Local Replicator Dynamics and the Evolution of Bacterial Populations Playing a Game of Rock-Paper-Scissors, thesis Maastricht University (pdf).
  • Colin Schepers (2010): Searching in Networks, thesis Maastricht University (pdf).
  • Max Bügler (2010): A Model of the Oviposition Behavior of Copidosoma koehleri Parasitoid Wasps, thesis Maastricht University (pdf).
  • Michael Schneider (2009): A Cyber Application for Business Decision Making, thesis Maastricht University.
  • Chantal Bendermacher (2009): The Evolution of Populations using Local Replicator Dynamics, thesis Maastricht University (pdf).
  • Pieter Lubbers (2008): Optimizing the Arrangement of the Storage Yard of a Brickworks, thesis Maastricht University (pdf).
  • Philippe Uyttendaele (2008): Hide and Seek Games, thesis Maastricht University (pdf).