The research on ontology alignment has been addressing the interoperability problem using two different approaches:
- Assuming that a number instances are represented both ontologies to be aligned, a mapping between the ontologies is identified. The approach is based on sound probabilistic model, and can be viewed as a form of data mining.
- Using a more common sense based approach, an ontology mapping is identified. This approach has been used in the program Maasmatch, which has successfully participated in several OAEI competitions.
F.C. Schadd, N Roos, Matching Terminological Heterogeneous Ontologies by Exploiting Partial Alignments, SEMAPRO 2015 (2015). This paper received the best paper award. [pdf]
F.C. Schadd, N Roos, Word-sense disambiguation for ontology mapping: Concept disambiguation using virtual documents and information retrieval techniques, Journal on Data Semantics (2014) 1-20. [pdf]
F.C. Schadd, N. Roos, A Feature Selection Approach for Anchor Evaluation in Ontology Mapping, Knowledge Engineering and the Semantic Web (KESW) (2014) 160-174.
F.C. Schadd, N. Roos, Anchor-Profiles: Exploiting Profiles of Anchor Similarities for Ontology Mapping, BNAIC (2014) 174-175.
F.C. Schadd, N. Roos, Alignment Evaluation of MaasMatch for the OAEI 2014 Campaign, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ontology Matching (2014) 7 pages. [pdf]
F.C. Schadd and N. Roos, Anchor-Profiles for Ontology Mapping with Partial Alignments, SCAI 2013 (2013) 235-244. [pdf]
F.C. Schadd, N. Roos, Summary of the MaasMatch participation in the OAEI-2013 campaign, OM 2013 (2013) 139-145. [pdf]
F.C. Schadd and Nico Roos, Coupling of Wordnet entries for ontology mapping using virtual documents, OM-2012 collocated with ISWC-2012 (2012) 25-36. [pdf]
F.C. Schadd and Nico Roos, Maasmatch results for OAEI 2012, OM-2012 collocated with ISWC-2012 (2012) 160-167. [pdf]
F.C. Schadd, Nico Roos, Improving ontology matchers utilizing linguistic ontologies: an information retrieval approach, BNAIC 2011 (2011) 191-198. [pdf]
F.C. Schadd and N. Roos, Maasmatch results for OAEI 2011, OM-2011 collocated with ISWC-2011 (2011) 8 pages. [pdf]
N. Roos, F. Wiesman, Handling interoperability by learning ontology mappings, MICC Technical Report 06-04 Universiteit Maastricht, ISSN 0922-8721 (2006). [pdf]
F. Wiesman, N. Roos, Domain independent learning of ontology mappings, AAMAS 2004 (2004) 844-851. [pdf]
F. Wiesman., N. Roos, P. Vogt, Agent-Based Ontology Matching, AAMAS 2002 (2002) 563-564. [pdf]
F. Wiesman, N. Roos, P. Vogt, Agent-based ontology matching, BNAIC’01 (2001) 291-298. [pdf]