Nico Roos started his research on non-monotonic reasoning while working on his Master thesis. Since then he has been addressing the following main topics:
- Inconsistent information
- Argumentation
- Preferential-model semantics
- Knowledge update
- Reasoning by cases
N. Roos, Specificity and context dependent preferences in argumentation systems, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer 1805 (2023) 112-132. [pdf].
N. Roos, Specificity and context dependent preferences in argumentation systems, BNAIC (2022). [pdf].
N. Roos, A Semantic Tableau Method for Argument Construction, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Communications in Computer and Information Science 1398 (2021) 122-140. [link]
N. Roos, A Semantic Tableau Method for Argument Construction, BNAIC (2020). [pdf paper with proofs].
W. Qiao, and N. Roos, An argumentation system for reasoning with LPm, ECAI (2014) 753-758. [pdf]
W. Qiao, N. Roos, An argumentation system for reasoning with conflict-minimal paraconsistent ALC, Non Monotonic Reasoning (NMR) (2014). [pdf]
N. Roos, Preferential model semantics, argumentation frameworks and closure properties, NMR 2012 (2012) 8 pages.
N. Roos, The relation between preferential model and argumentation semantics, NMR 2010 (2010) 7 pages. [pdf]
N. Roos, Preferential model and argumentation semantics, BNAIC (2009) 209-216.
N. Roos, A semantics for updating in the context of causal constraints, DGNMR’01 (2001) 143-150.
N. Roos, On resolving conflicts between arguments, Computational Intelligence 16:3 (2000) 469-497. [pdf]
N. Roos, An argument system for updating in the context of causal integrity constraints, DGNMR’99 (1999).
N. Roos, Reasoning by cases in Default Logic, Artificial Intelligence 99 (1998) 165-183. [pdf]
N. Roos, Reasoning by cases using arguments, DGNMR’97 (1997). [pdf]
N. Roos, On reasoning by cases in Default Logic, NAIC’97 (1997).
N. Roos, On Resolving Conflicts Between Arguments. Technical Report TR-CTIT-97-37 Centre for Telematics and Information Technology, University of Twente, Enschede. ISSN 1381-3625 (1997). [pdf]
N. Roos, A logic for reasoning with inconsistent knowledge, Artificial Intelligence 57 (1992) 69-103. [pdf]
The published version of Technical Report 89-53, ISSN 0922-5641, (1989).
N. Roos, What is on the machines mind? Models for reasoning with incomplete and uncertain knowledge, Ph .D. thesis, TU-Delft, Department of Computer Science (1991). [pdf]
N. Roos, Preference Logic: a logic for reasoning with inconsistent knowledge, Technical Report 89-53, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics. ISSN 0922-5641, (1989). [pdf]
N. Roos, Een preferentie logika voor het redeneren met onvolledige kennis, NAIC’89 (1989).
N. Roos, A preference logic for non-monotonic reasoning, Technical Report 88-94, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics. ISSN 0922-5641, (1988). [pdf]
N. Roos, GELOOFWAARDIG ARGUMENTEREN Formeel onderbouwd, Master Thesis, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics. (1987). [pdf]