Diagnosis is one of the main research fields of Nico Roos. He has been addressing:
- efficiency of diagnosis algorithms,
- diagnosis of (multi-agent) plan-execution failures, and
- distributed diagnosis.
In his research, he has investigated variants of classical Model-Based Diagnosis (MBD), diagnosis using Discrete Event Systems (DES) and the combination of the two.
N. Roos, Learning-Based Diagnosis and Repair, Communications in Computer and Information Science 823 (2018) 1-15. [link]
N. Roos, Learning-based diagnosis and repair, BNAIC (2017). [pdf]
S. Gupta, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, B. Price, J. de Kleer, Exploiting shared resource dependencies in spectrum based plan diagnosis, AAAI 2012 (2012) 2425-2426. [pdf]
S. Gupta, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, B. Price, J. de Kleer. Extended spectrum based plan diagnosis for plan-repair, Planning and Plan Execution for Real-World Systems: Principles and Practices (PlanEx) (2012) 5 pages. [pdf]
N. Roos, Maximal-confirmation diagnoses. Knowledge-Based Systems, 24 (2011) 467-477. DIO: 10.1016/j.knosys.2010.12.002 [pdf]
F. de Jonge, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Primary and secondary diagnosis of multi-agent plan execution, Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 18:2 (2009) 267-294. [online first (2008): DIO: 10.1007/s10458-008-9045-x]. [pdf]
N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Models and Methods for Plan Diagnosis, Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 19:1 (2009) 30-52. [online first (2007): DIO: 10.1007/s10458-007-9017-6]. [pdf]
N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of Simple Temporal Networks, ECAI 2008 (2008) 593-597. [pdf]
F. de Jonge, N. Roos, H. Aldewereld, Temporal diagnosis of multi-agent plan execution without an explicit representation of time, BNAIC (2007). [pdf]
N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of plan structure Violations, Multiagent System Technologies, LNCS 4687 (2007). This paper received the best paper award. [pdf]
N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of plan step errors and plan structure violations. Technical Report, Technical Report MICC 07-05, ISSN 0922-8721 (2007).
F. de Jonge, N. Roos, H. Aldewereld, Using DES for temporal diagnosis of multi-agent plan execution, Multiagent System Technologies, LNCS 4687 (2007). [pdf]
C. Witteveen, N. Roos, X. Mao, A. ter Mors, Diagnosis of Plan Step Errors and Plan Structure Violations, AAMAS 2007 (2007). [pdf]
F. de Jonge, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of multi-agent plan execution, Multiagent System Technologies, MATES 2006, LNCS 4196 (2006) 86-97. [pdf]
N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Models and Methods for Plan Diagnosis, Formal Approaches to Multi-Agent Systems (FAMAS’06) (2006). [pdf]
N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Models and Methods for Plan Diagnosis, 3rd Model Based Systems Workshop (MBS-06) (2006). [pdf]
F. de Jonge, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Primary and Secondary Plan Diagnosis, The International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-06) (2006). [pdf]
F. de Jonge, N. Roos, J. van den Herik, Keeping Plan Execution Healthy, Multi-Agent Systems and Applications IV, CEEMAS 2005, LNCS 3690, Editors: Michael Pechoucek, Paolo Petta, László Zsolt Varga (2005) 377-387. This paper received the best paper award. [pdf]
N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of plans and agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Applications IV, CEEMAS 2005, LNCS 3690, Editors: Michael Pechoucek, Paolo Petta, László Zsolt Varga (2005) 357-366. [pdf]
N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of plan execution and the executing agent, Advances in Artificial Intelligence, KI 2005, LNCS 3698 (2005) 161-175. [pdf]
C. Witteveen, N. Roos, R. van der Krogt, M. de Weerdt, Diagnosis of single and multi-agent plans, AAMAS 2005 (2005) 805-812. [pdf]
N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of plan execution and the executing agent, The Third European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2005), (2005) 502-503
N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of plan execution and the executing agent, The Sixth International Workshop on Computational Logics in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA VI) (2005) 201-215. [pdf]
N. Roos, A. ten Teije, C. Witteveen, Reaching diagnostic agreement in Multi-Agent Diagnosis, AAMAS 2004 (2004) 1254-1255. [pdf] [full paper]
N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Plan Diagnosis with Agents, BNAIC 2004 (2004) 203-210. [pdf]
F. de Jonge, N. Roos, J. van den Herik, Multi-agent Plan-execution Health Repair, BNAIC 2004 (2004) 59-66. [pdf]
F. de Jonge, N. Roos, Plan-execution health repair in a multi-agent system, PlanSig2004 (2004). [pdf]
N. Roos, A. ten Teije, C. Witteveen, A protocol for Multi-Agent Diagnosis with spatially distributed knowledge, AAMAS 2003 (2003). [pdf]
N. Roos, A. ten Teije, C. Witteveen, Multi-Agent Diagnosis with semantically distributed knowledge, BNAIC 03 (2003) 259-266. [pdf]
N. Roos, A. ten Teije, A. Bos, C. Witteveen, An analysis of Multi-Agent Diagnosis, AAMAS 2002 (2002). [pdf]
N. Roos, A. ten Teije, A. Bos, C. Witteveen, Multi-Agent Diagnosis with spatially distributed knowledge, BNAIC02 (2002). [pdf]
N. Roos, A. ten Teije, A. Bos, C. Witteveen, Multi-Agent Diagnosis: a case study, BNAIC’01 (2001) 221-228. [pdf]
N. Roos, Efficient model-based diagnosis, Intelligent Systems Engineering (1993) 107-118. [pdf]