Nico Roos has done research on several planning and scheduling problems.
S. Gupta, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, B. Price, J. de Kleer. Extended spectrum based plan diagnosis for plan-repair, Planning and Plan Execution for Real-World Systems: Principles and Practices (PlanEx) (2012) 5 pages. [pdf]
X. Mao, N. Roos and A. Salden, Stable multi-project scheduling of airport ground handling services with heterogeneous agents. AAMAS 2009 (2009) 537-544. [pdf]
X. Mao, A. ter Mors, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Competive agents in dynamic airport resource scheduling: Extended Abstract, BNAIC (2007).
X. Mao, A. ter Mors, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Â Coordinating Competitive Agents in Dynamic Airport Resource Scheduling, Multiagent System Technologies, LNCS 4687 (2007). [pdf]
X. Mao, A. ter Mors, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, A. Salden, Multi-Agent System Support for Scheduling Aircraft De-icing, ISCRAM 2007 (2007). [pdf]
X. Mao, A. ter Mors, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Using Neuro-Evolution in Aircraft Deicing Scheduling, ALAMAS 2007 (2007) 138-145. [pdf]
X. Mao, A. ter Mors, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Agent based scheduling for aircraft deicing, BNAIC2006 (2006) 229-236. [pdf]
R. van der Krogt, M. de Weerdt, C. Witteveen, N. Roos, Multiagent Planning through Plan Repair, AAMAS 2005 (2005) 1337-1338.
S de Jong, N. Roos I. Kuyper, Evolutionary Planning Heuristics in Production Management, BNAIC2005 (2005) 96-103. [pdf]
J. Zutt, L. Aronson, R. van der Krogt, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Multi-agent Transport Planning using Agents, BNAIC02 (2002).
R. van der Krogt, L. Aronson, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, J. Zut, Tactical Planning using Heuristics, BNAIC02 (2002).
Y.P. Ran, N. Roos, H.J. van den Herik, Methods for Repair Based Scheduling, Proceedings of the 21th workshop of the UK PLANNING and SCHEDULING Special Interest Group (PLANSIG 2002) (2002) 79-86.
N. Roos, Scheduling resources, SIG Planning and Scheduling Workshop (1996).
N. Roos, Scheduling resources, NAIC’95 (1995).
N. Roos, Integrating Forward Checking with Reason Maintenance, IJCAI-93 workshop on Planning, Scheduling and Control, (1993) 284-292.