

N. Roos, A logic for reasoning with inconsistent knowledge – A reformulation using nowadays terminology (2024). [pdf]


N. Roos, Specificity and context dependent preferences in argumentation systems, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer 1805 (2023) 112-132. [pdf].


N. Roos, Specificity and context dependent preferences in argumentation systems, BNAIC (2022). [pdf].

N. Roos, Extending dynamic logic with refinements of abstract actions, Journal of Logic and Computation, 32-7 (2022) 1317–1351. [pdf]


Paweł Mąka, Jelle Jansen, Theodor Antoniou, Thomas Bahne, Kevin Müller, Can Türktas, Nico Roos and Kurt Driessens, Combining Mental Models with Neural Networks, 33rd Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 30th Belgian Dutch Conference on Machine Learning BNAIC/BENELEARN (2021) 256-270. [pdf]

Jonas Bei, David Pomerenke, Lukas Schreiner, Sepideh Sharbaf, Pieter Collins and Nico Roos, Explainable AI through the Learning of Arguments, 33rd Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 30th Belgian Dutch Conference on Machine Learning BNAIC/BENELEARN (2021) 241-255. [pdf]

N. Roos, A Semantic Tableau Method for Argument Construction, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Communications in Computer and Information Science 1398 (2021) 122-140. [link]


N. Roos, A Semantic Tableau Method for Argument Construction, BNAIC (2020) 239-253. [pdf paper with proofs].


N. Roos, Z. Sun, Explainable Robotics applied to bipedal gait development, BeNeLux Artificial Intelligence Conference (BNAIC): Proceedings of the Reference AI & ML Conference for Belgium, Netherlands & Luxemburg, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2491 (2019) 15 p. [pdf]


N. Roos, Learning-Based Diagnosis and Repair, Communications in Computer and Information Science 823 (2018) 1-15. [pdf]

Z. Sun, N. Roos, Dynamically stable walk control of biped humanoid on uneven and inclined terrain, Neurocomputing 280 (2018) 111-122. [pdf]


N. Roos, Learning-based diagnosis and repair, BNAIC (2017). [pdf]

W. Zhao, N. Roos, R. Peeters, 3D motion consistency analysis for segmentation in 2D video projection,  17th international Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP) (2017) 12 pages. [pdf]

N. Roos, Data Science and Knowledge Engineering: From Knowledge Engineering to Knowledge Creation, Research-Based Learning: Case Studies from Maastricht University, Eds.: E. Bastiaens, J. van Tilburg, J. van Merriënboer, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-50991-4 (2017) 147-155.


Z. Sun, N. Roos, A Controller for Improving Lateral Stability in a Dynamically Stable Gait, Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI) (2016) 12 pages. [pdf]

W. Zhao, N. Roos, An EM based approach for motion segmentation of video sequence, International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG) (2016) 9 pages. [pdf]

W. Zhao, N. Roos, Motion based segmentation for robot vision using adapted EM algorithm, International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP) (2016) 649 – 656. [pdf]


N. Roos, The semantics of behaviour, extended abstract, BNAIC (2015).

F.C. Schadd, N Roos, Matching Terminological Heterogeneous Ontologies by Exploiting Partial Alignments, SEMAPRO 2015 (2015). This paper received the best paper award. [pdf]


F.C. Schadd, N Roos, Word-sense disambiguation for ontology mapping: Concept disambiguation using virtual documents and information retrieval techniques, Journal on Data Semantics (2014) 1-20. [pdf]

N. Roos, The semantics of behaviour, ECAI (2014) 771-776. [pdf]

W. Qiao, and N. Roos, An argumentation system for reasoning with LPm, ECAI (2014) 753-758. [pdf]

Z. Sun, N. Roos, An energy efficient dynamic gait for a Nao robot,  IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC) (2014) 267-272. [pdf]

F.C. Schadd, N. Roos, A Feature Selection Approach for Anchor Evaluation in Ontology Mapping, Knowledge Engineering and the Semantic Web (KESW) (2014) 160-174.

Z. Sun, N. Roos, Dynamic Lateral Stability for an Energy Efficient Gait, BNAIC (2014) 95-102. [pdf]

F.C. Schadd, N. Roos, Anchor-Profiles: Exploiting Profiles of Anchor Similarities for Ontology Mapping, BNAIC (2014) 174-175.

W. Qiao, N. Roos, An argumentation system for reasoning with conflict-minimal paraconsistent ALC, Non Monotonic Reasoning (NMR) (2014) 10 pages. [pdf]

F.C. Schadd, N. Roos, Alignment Evaluation of MaasMatch for the OAEI 2014 Campaign, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ontology Matching (2014) 7 pages. [pdf]


F.C. Schadd and N. Roos, Anchor-Profiles for Ontology Mapping with Partial Alignments, SCAI 2013 (2013) 235-244. [pdf]

W. Zhao, H. B. Ammar and N. Roos, Dynamic Object Recognition using Sparse Coded Three-Way Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines, BNAIC 2013 (2013) 271-278.

Z. Sun and N. Roos, An energy efficient gait for a Nao robot, BNAIC 2013 (2013) 191-198.

R. Poddighe and N. Roos, A Nao robot paying tic-tac-toe – Comparing alternative methods for Inverse Kinematics, BNAIC 2013 (2013) 144-151.

F.C. Schadd, N. Roos, Summary of the MaasMatch participation in the OAEI-2013 campaign, OM 2013 (2013) 139-145. [pdf]


S. Gupta, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, B. Price, J. de Kleer, Exploiting shared resource dependencies in spectrum based plan diagnosis, AAAI 2012 (2012) 2425-2426. [pdf]

S. Gupta, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, B. Price, J. de Kleer. Extended spectrum based plan diagnosis for plan-repair, Planning and Plan Execution for Real-World Systems: Principles and Practices (PlanEx) (2012) 5 pages. [pdf]

W. Qiao and N. Roos A tableau-based reasoning method for four-valued description logic ALC, BNAIC 2012 (2012) 202-209.

N. Roos, Preferential model semantics, argumentation frameworks and closure properties, NMR 2012 (2012) 8 pages.

Jos Uiterwijk, Nico Roos, Mark Winands, editors. Proceedings of the twenty-fourth benelux conference on artificial intelligence (BNAIC 2012), Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2012. Maastricht University. ISSN 1568-7805.

F.C. Schadd and Nico Roos, Coupling of Wordnet entries for ontology mapping using virtual documents, OM-2012 collocated with ISWC-2012 (2012) 25-36. [pdf]

F.C. Schadd and Nico Roos, Maasmatch results for OAEI 2012, OM-2012 collocated with ISWC-2012 (2012) 160-167. [pdf]


W. Qiao and N. Roos, Four-valued description logic for paraconsistent reasoning, BNAIC 2011 (2011) 175-182.

N. Roos, Maximal-confirmation diagnoses. Knowledge-Based Systems, 24 (2011) 467-477. DIO: 10.1016/j.knosys.2010.12.002 [pdf]

M. Wilson, N. Roos, B. Huisman, C. Witteveen, Efficient workplan management in maintenance tasks. In BNAIC, pages 344-351, 2011.

F.C. Schadd, Nico Roos, Improving ontology matchers utilizing linguistic ontologies: an information retrieval approach, BNAIC 2011 (2011) 191-198. [pdf]

F.C. Schadd and N. Roos, Maasmatch results for OAEI 2011, OM-2011 collocated with ISWC-2011 (2011) 8 pages. [pdf]


N. Roos, Cost optimal robust-schedules: policy search in continuous action space using stochastic feedback, BNAIC 2010 (2010) 8 pages.

N. Roos, The relation between preferential model and argumentation semantics, NMR 2010 (2010) 7 pages. [pdf]


X. Mao, N. Roos and A. Salden, Stable multi-project scheduling of airport ground handling services with heterogeneous agents. AAMAS 2009 (2009) 537-544. [pdf]

N. Roos, Preferring maximal confirmation diagnoses, BNAIC 2009 (2009) 217-224.

N. Roos, Preferential model and argumentation semantics, BNAIC (2009) 209-216.

C. Witteveen, W. van der Hoek, N. Roos, Concurrently decomposable constraint systems. Multiagent System Technologies, LNCS 5774 (2009) 153-164.

F. de Jonge, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Primary and secondary diagnosis of multi-agent plan execution, Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 18:2 (2009) 267-294. [online first (2008): DIO: 10.1007/s10458-008-9045-x]. [pdf]

N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Models and Methods for Plan Diagnosis, Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 19:1 (2009) 30-52. [online first (2007): DIO: 10.1007/s10458-007-9017-6]. [pdf]


N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of Simple Temporal Networks, ECAI 2008 (2008) 593-597. [pdf]

X. Mao, N. Roos, A. Salden, Distribute the Selfish Ambitions, BNAIC 2008 (2008) 137-144.

A. ter Mors, X. Mao, J. Zutt, C. Witteveen, N. Roos, Robust Reservation-Based Multi-Agent Routing, ECAI 2008 (2008) 929-930.


F. de Jonge, N. Roos, H. Aldewereld, Temporal diagnosis of multi-agent plan execution without an explicit representation of time, BNAIC (2007). [pdf]

X. Mao, A. ter Mors, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Competive agents in dynamic airport resource scheduling: Extended Abstract, BNAIC (2007).

N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of plan structure Violations, Multiagent System Technologies, LNCS 4687 (2007). This paper received the best paper award. [pdf]

N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of plan step errors and plan structure violations. Technical Report, Technical Report MICC 07-05, ISSN 0922-8721 (2007).

X. Mao, A. ter Mors, N. Roos, C. Witteveen,  Coordinating Competitive Agents in Dynamic Airport Resource Scheduling, Multiagent System Technologies, LNCS 4687 (2007). [pdf]

F. de Jonge, N. Roos, H. Aldewereld, Using DES for temporal diagnosis of multi-agent plan execution, Multiagent System Technologies, LNCS 4687 (2007). [pdf]

C. Witteveen, N. Roos, X. Mao, A. ter Mors, Diagnosis of Plan Step Errors and Plan Structure Violations, AAMAS 2007 (2007). [pdf]

S. de Jong, K. Tuyls, K. Verbeeck, N Roos, Considerations for fairness in multi-agent systems, ALAMAS 2007 (2007) 104-110.

X. Mao, A. ter Mors, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, A. Salden, Multi-Agent System Support for Scheduling Aircraft De-icing, ISCRAM 2007 (2007). [pdf]

X. Mao, A. ter Mors, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Using Neuro-Evolution in Aircraft Deicing Scheduling, ALAMAS 2007 (2007) 138-145. [pdf]


F. de Jonge, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of multi-agent plan execution, Multiagent System Technologies, MATES 2006, LNCS 4196 (2006) 86-97. [pdf]

R.-J. Sips, L. Braun, N. Roos, Enabling protocol-based medical critiquing, The 20th Congress of the European Federation of Medical Informatics (MIE2006), (2006).

R.-J. Sips, L. Braun, N. Roos, Applying formal medical guidelines for critiquing, ECAI workshop on AI techniques in healthcare: evidence-based guidelines and protocols (2006).

N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Models and Methods for Plan Diagnosis, Formal Approaches to Multi-Agent Systems (FAMAS’06) (2006). [pdf]

N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Models and Methods for Plan Diagnosis, 3rd Model Based Systems Workshop (MBS-06) (2006). [pdf]

N. Roos, F. Wiesman, Handling interoperability by learning ontology mappings, MICC Technical Report 06-04 Universiteit Maastricht, ISSN 0922-8721 (2006). [pdf]

F. de Jonge, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Primary and Secondary Plan Diagnosis, The International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-06) (2006). [pdf]

R.-J. Sips, L. Braun, N. Roos, Medical expert critiquing using a BDI approach, BNAIC2006 (2006) 283-290.

X. Mao, A. ter Mors, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Agent based scheduling for aircraft deicing, BNAIC2006 (2006) 229-236. [pdf]


F. de Jonge, N. Roos, J. van den Herik, Keeping Plan Execution Healthy, Multi-Agent Systems and Applications IV, CEEMAS 2005, LNCS 3690, Editors: Michael Pechoucek, Paolo Petta, László Zsolt Varga (2005) 377-387. This paper received the best paper award. [pdf]

N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of plans and agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Applications IV, CEEMAS 2005, LNCS 3690, Editors: Michael Pechoucek, Paolo Petta, László Zsolt Varga (2005) 357-366. [pdf]

N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of plan execution and the executing agent, Advances in Artificial Intelligence, KI 2005, LNCS 3698 (2005) 161-175. [pdf]

C. Witteveen, N. Roos, R. van der Krogt, M. de Weerdt, Diagnosis of single and multi-agent plans, AAMAS 2005 (2005) 805-812. [pdf]

R. van der Krogt, M. de Weerdt, C. Witteveen, N. Roos, Multiagent Planning through Plan Repair, AAMAS 2005 (2005) 1337-1338.

N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Problem solving in a computational society, ICAI05 (2005) 764-770.

S de Jong, N. Roos I. Kuyper, Evolutionary Planning Heuristics in Production Management, BNAIC2005 (2005) 96-103. [pdf]

F. de Jonge, N. Roos, J. van den Herik, How to keep plan execution healthy, IJCAI-05 Workshop on Agents in real-time and dynamic environments (2005).

S. de Jong, P. Spronck, N. Roos, Requirements for resource management game AI, IJCAI-05 Workshop on Reasoning, Representation, and Learning in Computer Games (2005) 43-48.

N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of plan execution and the executing agent, The Third European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2005), (2005) 502-503

N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Diagnosis of plan execution and the executing agent, The Sixth International Workshop on Computational Logics in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA VI) (2005) 201-215. [pdf]


F. Wiesman, N. Roos, Domain independent learning of ontology mappings, AAMAS 2004 (2004) 844-851. [pdf]

N. Roos, A. ten Teije, C. Witteveen, Reaching diagnostic agreement in Multi-Agent Diagnosis, AAMAS 2004 (2004) 1254-1255. [pdf] [full paper]

N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Plan Diagnosis with Agents, BNAIC 2004 (2004) 203-210. [pdf]

F. de Jonge, N. Roos, J. van den Herik, Multi-agent Plan-execution Health Repair, BNAIC 2004 (2004) 59-66. [pdf]

B. Reggers, F. Wiesman, Nico Roos, Agents for Market-Based Computational-Resource Allocation, BNAIC 2004 (2004) 3-10.

F. de Jonge, N. Roos, Plan-execution health repair in a multi-agent system, PlanSig2004 (2004). [pdf]


S. Kleijkers, F. Wiesman, N. Roos, A Mobile Multi-Agent System for Distributed Computing, International Workshop on Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing, AP2PC, LNAI 2530, Springer (2003).

N. Roos, A. ten Teije, C. Witteveen, A protocol for Multi-Agent Diagnosis with spatially distributed knowledge, AAMAS 2003 (2003). [pdf]

F. Wiesman, S. Bocconi, B. Arsenijevic, Y. Bachvarova, N. Roos, L. Schomaker, Intelligent Information Retrieval and Presentation with Multimedia Databases, DIR 2003 (2003) 52-56.

N. Roos, A. ten Teije, C. Witteveen, Multi-Agent Diagnosis with semantically distributed knowledge, BNAIC 03 (2003) 259-266. [pdf]

N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Problem solving in a computational society, BNAIC 03 (2003) 267-274.


F. Wiesman., N. Roos, P. Vogt, Agent-Based Ontology Matching, AAMAS 2002 (2002) 563-564. [pdf]

N. Roos, A. ten Teije, A. Bos, C. Witteveen, An analysis of Multi-Agent Diagnosis, AAMAS 2002 (2002). [pdf]

N. Roos, A. ten Teije, A. Bos, C. Witteveen, Multi-Agent Diagnosis with spatially distributed knowledge, BNAIC02 (2002). [pdf]

J. Zutt, L. Aronson, R. van der Krogt, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Multi-agent Transport Planning using Agents, BNAIC02 (2002).

R. van der Krogt, L. Aronson, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, J. Zut, Tactical Planning using Heuristics, BNAIC02 (2002).

S. Kleijkers, F. Wiesman, N. Roos, A Mobile Multi-Agent System for Distributed Computing, BNAIC02 (2002).

Y.P. Ran, N. Roos, H.J. van den Herik, Methods for Repair Based Scheduling, Proceedings of the 21th workshop of the UK PLANNING and SCHEDULING Special Interest Group (PLANSIG 2002) (2002) 79-86.

Y.P. Ran, N. Roos, H.J. Herik, Approaches to find a near-minimal change solution for Dynamic CSPs, Fourth International Workshop on Integration of AI and OR techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimisation Problems (2002) 373-387.

S. Kleijkers, F. Wiesman, N. Roos, A Mobile Multi-Agent System for Distributed Computing, First International Workshop on Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing (AP2PC 2002) (2002) 145-156.


F. Wiesman, N. Roos, P. Vogt, Agent-based ontology matching, BNAIC’01 (2001) 291-298. [pdf]

N. Roos, A. ten Teije, A. Bos, C. Witteveen, Multi-Agent Diagnosis: a case study, BNAIC’01 (2001) 221-228. [pdf]

N. Roos, A semantics for updating in the context of causal constraints, DGNMR’01 (2001) 143-150.


N. Roos, On resolving conflicts between arguments, Computational Intelligence 16:3 (2000) 469-497. [pdf]

N. Roos, Y.P. Ran, and H.J. van den Herik, Combining Local Search and Constraint Propagation to find a minimal change solution for a Dynamic CSP, AIMSA 2000. LNAI 1904, Springer (2000) 272-282.

A. Bos, N. Roos, and C. Witteveen, Computing with computational histories, BNAIC’00 (2000) 207-214.

N. Roos, Processing an agent’s perception: a semantics for updating in the context of causal constraints, BNAIC’00 (2000) 37-44.

Y.P. Ran, N. Roos, and H.J. van den Herik, Approximation of the optimal solution for dynamic CSPs, BNAIC’00 (2000) 227-234.


A. Bos, N. Roos, C. Witteveen, Computing with computational histories, BNVKI’99 (1999) 19-26.

N. Roos, An argument system for updating in the context of causal integrity constraints, DGNMR’99 (1999).


N. Roos, Reasoning by cases in Default Logic, Artificial Intelligence 99 (1998) 165-183. [pdf]

N. Roos, An objective definition of subjective probability, ECAI’98 (1998) 595-599.


N. Roos, Reasoning by cases using arguments, DGNMR’97 (1997). [pdf]

N. Roos, On reasoning by cases in Default Logic, NAIC’97 (1997).

N. Roos, On Resolving Conflicts Between Arguments. Technical Report TR-CTIT-97-37 Centre for Telematics and Information Technology, University of Twente, Enschede. ISSN 1381-3625 (1997). [pdf]


N. Roos, Scheduling resources, SIG Planning and Scheduling Workshop (1996).


N. Roos, Reasoning with defeasible rules, DGNMR’95 (1995) 176-183.

N. Roos, Scheduling resources, NAIC’95 (1995).


N. Roos, Improving backtracking to solve an area allocation problem, ECAI’94 workshop on Constraint Satisfaction Issues Raised by Practical Applications (1994).


N. Roos, Efficient model-based diagnosis, Intelligent Systems Engineering (1993) 107-118. [pdf]

N. Roos, Integrating Forward Checking with Reason Maintenance, IJCAI-93 workshop on Planning, Scheduling and Control, (1993) 284-292.

N. Roos, Uncertain, inconsistent and default knowledge, NAIC’93 (1993).

N. Roos, Uncertain, inconsistent and default knowledge; Reasoning through the construction of a partial model, DGNMR’93 (1993).


N. Roos, A logic for reasoning with inconsistent knowledge, Artificial Intelligence 57 (1992) 69-103. [pdf]

N. Roos, Reasoning with partial models; Construction of partial models and management of uncertainty, in: Hoek, W. van der, Meyer, J.-J. Ch., Tan Y. H., Witteveen, C. (eds), Non-monotonic reasoning and partial semantics, Ellis Horwood (1992) 79-105.

N. Roos, Partiële modellen, ‘reason maintenance’ en ‘belief revision’, NAIC’92 (1992).


N. Roos, What is on the machines mind? Models for reasoning with incomplete and uncertain knowledge, Ph .D. thesis, TU-Delft, Department of Computer Science (1991). [pdf]

N. Roos, How to reason with uncertain knowledge, in: Bouchon-Meurier, B., Yager, R. R., Zadeh, L. A. (eds), Uncertainty in Knowledge Bases, LNCS 521, Springer-Verlag (1991) 403-412.

N. Roos, Redeneren met onzekerheid door middel van de konstruktie van een partieel model, NAIC’91 (1991) 115-123.


N. Roos, Redeneren met behulp van normatieve regels, NAIC’90 (1990) 241-248.


N. Roos, Een preferentie logika voor het redeneren met onvolledige kennis, NAIC’89 (1989)

N. Roos, Preference Logic: a logic for reasoning with inconsistent knowledge, Technical Report 89-53, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics. ISSN 0922-5641, (1989). [pdf]


J.Hellendoorn, N. Roos, Redeneren met onvolledige en onzekere kennis; een inventarisatie, Informatie 2 (1988) 120-129.

N. Roos, A preference logic for non-monotonic reasoning, Technical Report 88-94, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics. ISSN 0922-5641, (1988). [pdf]


N. Roos, GELOOFWAARDIG ARGUMENTEREN Formeel onderbouwd, Master Thesis, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics. (1987). [pdf]